Sunday, October 09, 2005

Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit

You have to be a fan of British humor to enjoy this silly movie.

W&G run a humane pest control service called "Anti-Pesto" in a town that is obessesed with produce and the yearly vegetable competition is only days away. W&G are praised for saving the prized veggies of the townfolk as well as Lady Tottingham and all is well and good.

Wallace comes up with the idea that he can brainwash the rabbits into disliking vegetables. He just happens to have a braincontrol contraption in his basement. He hooks it up, puts the bunnies in a big hopper thingy and uses lunar power to encourage the process. Needless to say, something goes horribly wrong and a single bunny somehow gets sucked up the connecting tube and stuck to Wallace's head. Gromit saves the day by shutting down the machine. The bunny that gets trapped on Wallace's head (named Hutch) appears to have stopped being interested in veggies. Wallace congratulates himself on his brilliance and tottles off to bed.

Just days before the big vegetable fete is to be held, the township is raided by a horrible, huge rabbit that ravages the Vicar's garden as well as other townfolk. (Wonder how that happened!) W&G are called in to capture the beast and Lady Tottingham's wannabe boyfriend, Quatermain wants to blow it to smitherines. Lady T is a softie and doesn't want the critter hurt.

W&G do their best to subdue the Were-rabbit and madness ensues at the Vegetable Faire held at Tottingham Hall. The best part of the movie starts from this point on so I won't ruin it for you.

There are double entendres here and there and the bunnies are really strange looking with snouts rather than little bunny noses. The grotesque mouths of the characters are a bit distracting, but I am guessing that is the artist's signature (either that or a comment on British dental care.)

Wesley loved it and had a good time. Jessica was bored within 5 minutes and proceeded to drive me nuts throughout the whole movie - but at least I didn't get a drink poured on me this time!

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Star Trek references, midgets and malevolent aliens...what's not to like?

After the disappointment of Supernatural, I really wasn't expecting too much out of this one. Was pleasantly surprised, tho. The cast is stiff but it takes at least a season for ensemble shows to find their groove, it seems.

Yes, the main character is way too young to be in the position she has - but who wants to see some old craggy woman, right?

Love Spiner - always have though. Glad to see he isn't a "Data" or even the hippy of ID4. He will be fun as the complaining malcontent.

Dinklage is cool - the character he is playing reminds me alot of the character in Armageddeon, but it is nice to see a brain that is not a nerd. Little people are most often cast as the comic relief, glad to see the producers are giving this talented actor a serious role.

The geeky guy is expected as well as the brawny military guy.

This one stays on the Season Pass list.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Biggest Loser
Tuesdays - NBC

This is the first time I have watched this series and I missed the first half. I came in right at their Zero Gravity challenge. Guessed I missed the introductions and "how I got fat" stories. Oh well!

Are we supposed to believe that they lost all that weight in one week? One guy lost 28 pounds in one friggin' week! Did they give them some "fasting formula" aka laxatives? I guess I am just jealous because it has taken me 9 months to get off 20 pounds. Plus the skinny wench who is the trainer for the guys...okay I got're a flat belly. I don't need to see your pubis to convince me of that.

The girls lost an easy .5 pound per girl due to the fact that they couldn't strip down to the flesh for weigh in. They were all wearing sports bras and t-shirts. Plus we all know that women weigh more at night than in the morning! One thing the girls have for them is that they are all pretty at their current weights. Once they get some pounds off, they will be gorgeous. There are a couple of the guys that will be butt ugly, weight or no weight.

This is a great show to watch while working out!

Monday, August 22, 2005

My son and daughter had combined parties this weekend. Hers was a Dora the Explorer birthday party and his was a back to school Pizza and Star Wars party. I rented Star Wars 4, 5 & 6 (i.e. the ones that came out when I was his age) and fun was had by all.

I enjoyed watching the remastered versions of these science fiction classics. I have seen SW 1, 2 & 3 and they just aren't as good to me - guess because I keep comparing them to this first set.The old movies aren't as slick as the newer versions. Computer technology has definitely made things more impressive looking. However, Empire Strikes Back (my personal favorite of them all) has is all. First it is science fiction, and it incorporates drama, action, romance and quite a bit of comedy within 2 hours. Short of Jaws, no villian has ever had such a great theme song.

There are a couple of things out of place like Leia throwing a big lip lock on Luke just to spite Han. That is kinda gross now that we all know they are siblings. After seeing Yoda kick ass with Count Dooku, it is weird to see him as the doddering kook in the swamp. And Obi Wan lamenting that Luke is the last hope and Yoda saying "there is another". Obi Wan knows that since he helped deliver the kids practically. Oh well... as we say in the crafting world, it is the irregularities which give it its distinctiveness.

What was most surprising is that James Earl Jones is uncredited for Vader's voice. Maybe it is because we all know his voice instantly. The copy write on this movie is 1980 - still a great one to watch.

Had to include this pretty creepy pic, too.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Constantine - recently released on DVD

Predictable and disappointing are the two words that popped into my mind after this film started rolling the credits. It was better than End of Days, but not by much.

The premise is pretty much the same as any of the other movies that include angels and demons. I like Keanu Reeves, but he really needs to find different roles other than the deadpan, no expression hero.These are a few of the things that irritated me while watching (other than the storyline)

1. Everyone whispers...I was constantly turning the volume up to hear the dialogue then quickly turning it back down when music or special effect blared in. Missed a couple parts and had to repeat - I hate that.

2. Rachel Weisz (the herione in The Mummy) is a beautiful woman, and this is a well financed movie. Nobody thought that it would be a good idea to touch up her roots? Her hair did not look trendy - it looked like she need to visit the health and beauty aisle of Wal-Mart. She also would slip into a British accent now and again.

3. Why is all the cool demon-casting-out stuff left to the Catholics? How come some of us Prostestants can't get in on the action? I think Keanu's helper was Shia Leboueff (sp?) and he was spouting the Catholic dogma pretty good; and there I thought he was a good Jewish boy all this time.

4. A cross shaped gatling gun that shoots bullets made of holy-water-filled-gold-bullets?

Consider yourself warned.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Burned through all the good stuff on the DVR and was surfing the channels in this late summer wasteland of crapola and caught the last 20 minutes of Supersized She on TLC.

It was like a trainwreck - I was appalled, but couldn't look away. Female bodybuilding is a strange and scary sport, phenomenon, cult? I'm not really sure what it is. I missed the first part so I don't know if steroids or hormones were brought up, but there is no way a female can put on that kind of bulk naturally. The photo is of Lenda Murray who has won the Ms. Olympia 7 times.

The particular focus of this program was a female from England who invested in a pair of fake boobs, but didn't feel the need to fix her teeth, to compete in the Ms. Olympia contest. I can remember seeing female bodybuilding contests on ESPN years ago before cosmetic surgery was so commonplace and the women had no tits at all. I believe they wore the bikini tops simply not to be confused with the men, but now they got big ta-tas. It is even more disturbing. My guess is that these women are lesbians (hey, whatever floats your boat) and the people interested in this sport are the same? I could be wrong, tho. Tell me guys, are men turned on by that?

Anyway, the subject of the show came in seventh place. The judges said her legs weren't big enough and she was discussing with Mum and Dad her plan to work on that. Her parents were Jo and Joanna Schmo from London. Easy to tell they "just don't understand" their little girl.

I see TLC has another freak show planned this week called "Archie, the 84 lb baby" Think I will just pass on that one - have trouble sleeping as it is.