My son and daughter had combined parties this weekend. Hers was a Dora the Explorer birthday party and his was a back to school Pizza and Star Wars party. I rented Star Wars 4, 5 & 6 (i.e. the ones that came out when I was his age) and fun was had by all.
I enjoyed watching the remastered versions of these science fiction classics. I have seen SW 1, 2 & 3 and they just aren't as good to me - guess because I keep comparing them to this first set.The old movies aren't as slick as the newer versions. Computer technology has definitely made things more impressive looking. However, Empire Strikes Back (my personal favorite of them all) has is all. First it is science fiction, and it incorporates drama, action, romance and quite a bit of comedy within 2 hours. Short of Jaws, no villian has ever had such a great theme song.
There are a couple of things out of place like Leia throwing a big lip lock on Luke just to spite Han. That is kinda gross now that we all know they are siblings. After seeing Yoda kick ass with Count Dooku, it is weird to see him as the doddering kook in the swamp. And Obi Wan lamenting that Luke is the last hope and Yoda saying "there is another". Obi Wan knows that since he helped deliver the kids practically. Oh well... as we say in the crafting world, it is the irregularities which give it its distinctiveness.
What was most surprising is that James Earl Jones is uncredited for Vader's voice. Maybe it is because we all know his voice instantly. The copy write on this movie is 1980 - still a great one to watch.
Had to include this pretty creepy pic, too.

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