Friday, November 21, 2008
Season Finale
The cycle that brought us our first transgender contestant, immigrant elitests and the obligatory hoochie girl has come to an end. The only thing good I can say about the end of the season is that there won't be any more boring Whitney ads to sit through. Boy, was that girl a real snoozer.
The Final Three, McKey, Analeigh and Samantha have to do another CoverGirl ad. This one was a little anticlimactic for me since this is the third ad challenge we have had this season. The amazing part was that every girl managed to flub her lines after getting the tongue tying Dutch line pretty good. I don't get it. It's not like they have to recite Chaucer. They say some cheesy lines and repeat the name of the gloppy lip gloss and voilá it's done. Analeigh completely choked and had to be fed the lines by Mr. Jay. What a surprise after her first ad was described as the Best CoverGirl Ad Evah by Tyra. Samantha and McKey fumble through but after some creative editing the final ad looks great.
This challenge also included a still shot for CG. Alright Sam, here's you chance to look commercial as you want. Only problem is that Sam doesn't have a mouth made for the big toothy smile. Tyra has remarked before on her down turned mouth which is far more suited for pouty or edgy shots. Analeigh couldn't manage a closed mouth smile without looking too sexy. Oh, the burden of big lipped women. McKey nailed the shot. Everything worked. Her hair looked wonderful and made her aqua eyes pop.
Panel was quick and decisive and sent Analeigh packing. No doubt if this girl decides to make this her living that she will do well. I wouldn't be surprised to see her get a nose job in the future like it appears Anya from Cycle 10 who was featured in the Top Models in Action this week has done. Analeigh also bagged some serious goodies after winning a couple of challenges, so did alright.
Samantha and McKey are left for the final showdown. Mr. Jay introduces them to this runway that must have been dreamed up after a serious night of drinking. The models have to start out by literally running up a fuchsia colored hill that is a disaster waiting to happen. Surprisingly, no tumbles (or least none shown to the viewers.) I have to say that neither of the girls impressed me that much. McKey seemed more suited for the show because she looks a little older and the clothes suited her frame better. Sam looked like she could burst into tears at any given moment and did not appear confident at all.
Back to Panel and we get a review of our finalists. The panel truly likes both girls and can find strengths and weaknesses in both but finally decide upon McKey as this cycle's winner. Tyra is completely taken by surprise when McKey lifts her into the air in celebration of the news. Sam is understandably upset yet proud of her achievement, as he should be. I look forward to seeing these girls in the future.
This competition is for the title of Biggest Bitch, Reality Division, Fall 2008.
Our first contender is Vicky, currently on the Blue Team of the Biggest Loser on NBC. Her opponent, Randy, is presently spreading sunshine on the newly formed Nobag tribe on CBS' Survivor.
Let's get the disclaimer out of the way first. Yes, those of us who enjoy Reality TV know there is nothing real in what we are watching. Contrived TV is a much better description, but Reality is the name that has stuck to the genre and that's what I'm using.
I think one of the things that keeps viewers tuning in to shows like Survivor and Biggest Loser is seeing how everyday people react to unique, difficult and stressful situations. Many individuals rise to the occasion and prove just what drive and determination can do. Others fly under the radar and ruffle as few feathers as possible to achieve their goal. Then there is a special group of people who think they are better and smarter than everyone else in the group simply because they draw breath. You know the type. The people you hated in high school, have to put up with at work and occasionally get trapped sitting next to on a cross country flight. The Bitch.
It took Vicky a few episodes for her bitchiness to fully manifest itself. Her fellow BL teammate, Heba, was in serious contention for the job but got surpassed when Vicky baldly states that she isn't interested in a luxury like reading a letter from her kids. The game is way more important than communicating with her offspring. After all, she'll see them after the competition, anyway. I can just hear her at home now. “Just heat up those pizza rolls and get away from me!” You gotta love a woman who has her priorities straight.
Vicky's cinched the qualifying round when her own teammate, Ed, remarked “Don't cross Vicky, she'll claw your eyes out.” You know this woman is a bad ass if she can make a 6'3”, 300 pound man quake in fear.
The most astonishing thing about this woman is that she managed to remain in the game by securing the support of a woman whom she treated like crap. Vicky's teammate, Amy, dared to vote in her own best interest last week which didn't follow Vicky's master plan and Vicky proceeded to call her a back-stabbing bitch, refused to sit in the same room with her or even look at her. Ah, Junior High, how I don't miss it.
If you are thinking that's as bad as it gets and your vote is for Vicky, I beg you to read on.
Enter Randy, the Wedding Photographer, from Survivor. Randy proves that is isn't necessary to have ovaries to be a compete and utter Bitch. He was a quick study, too. He quickly qualified on the season opener by proclaiming that everyone in his tribe is an idiot. He boasts during the soliloquies that knows how things should be done, but instead of stepping up and helping out he takes the passive-aggressive route and criticizes everyone else.
Randy solidifies his Bitch nomination when he takes credit for a critical move in the game where a fellow player talks the group into throwing a valuable immunity idol into the ocean and out of play. He then again proclaims (to the cameraman mind you, not the group) that he is in control of the game and the King of Gabon.
Randy, too, managed to survive another round of Tribal Council this week without getting one vote. He had played a nasty, quiet game of discontent up until the last episode. He crawled out of his shell of miasma for a full frontal attack on Crystal whom he made fun of (behind her back of course) by calling her stupid and incompetent and described her as a T-Rex and Sasquatch. What a class act that guy is.
It's a tough call, but my vote is for Randy. Although Vicky is self-centered and appears to have no maternal instincts whatsoever she pales in comparison to a man who makes a living recording one of life's most joyous events while possessing one of the nastiness dispositions I've ever come across. The satisfaction we viewers have in these players is that they rarely ever win the game. I believe the producers salt our reality series with these personalities to give us a little spice and someone we love to hate, but tailor the game to make sure they get their rightful comeuppance. I'm perfectly okay with that, too. I don't really give a damn who wins Survivor or Biggest Loser, all I'm asking for is entertainment. So far, so good.
Who do you love to hate?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Cycle 11 Episode 12
We're almost at the end of this cycle. This one seemed to go faster than the rest and definitely was more entertaining than the last. After the rehash of Elina's cut last week we get a Tyra Mail or Post, rather, we are in Europe after all, teasing them about their next adventure.
Our next event is a workshop and is lead by Paulina. She was wearing a great purple outfit with a wonderfully cut portrait collar, but the one thing I noticed is that Paulina looked incredibly old. Did the cameraman forget to pack his filter? She coached the girls on how to sell product by displaying their senses rather than describing with words. McKey was the golden child and Samantha did well if the sense was manic in nature. Analeigh came across genuine, but tended to forget to emote to the camera. Marjorie was the nervous mess we have come to expect.
During a commercial break we got a look at one of Tyra's new projects. It's a film called The Clique. It comes across as the most obnoxious tween crap that has come out since Mean Girls. I got a stomach ache just watching the promo.
After the break comes the challenge. Paulina informs our beauties that they have to perform in another commercial and has magically subtracted 10 years off her face. Much better. The winner of this challenge is receiving a 10K shopping spree at G-Star, a Holland based denim designer which I was surprised to discover via Google is somewhat affordable. Instead of the walking and talking mess we got with the last ad, the girls don't have to say a word. They have to jog along while flirting with a guy and finally make a bold move by planting a big kiss on him. The guy just happens to be Mark Vanderloo who works for big names like Versace, Donna Karen and Calvin Klein. Handsome, yes, but he seemed a little old to be in this fake ad.
Samantha is up first and is a little taken aback that she is on a treadmill rather than shooting outside. I got the impression they would be going on set as well, but this is much cheaper, no doubt. She was hammy, but completely believable if you are familiar with her personality. Analeigh was very good as well and did the shy flirt thing very well. Mckey was okay, but a little forced and Marjorie was her quirky nervous self and the director loved it. She was named the winner and hauled Analeigh off to nab the goods. Marjorie is a good kid and divvied up the goodies 50-50 with Analeigh. I would have liked to have seen what they got.
The next segment seemed so producer driven and should have been left on the cutting room floor. The girls invite over the young men that drove them around for their go-sees last week. Marjorie attempts to exorcise her nervous demons by applying copius amounts of alcohol and acting the ho. McKey shows us her womanly wiles by wrestling one of the guys and Samantha wows the fellas with her card tricks. Analeigh busts up the party after Marjorie jumps in the tub with one of the guys. Analeigh made her momma so proud tonight.
Whitney ad. Holy crap - what happened to Whitney's tits? Didn't Tyra tell her something about keeping them things under control? The ad had her walking towards the camera and her big bouncing busoms were so distracting I can't even remember what she was selling this week. I liked Whitney last cycle, but I am hating these ads.
Photoshoot. Windmills and the beautiful Holland countryside is our backdrop. Too bad the girls are made up to look like they are from the Dawn of the Dead: Vogue Edition. Analeigh was first up and was doing some amazing things with a pickfork. She uses her head and thinks about what would make a good shot and that is helping her along in this competition. Marjorie had a rat's nest tied to the side of her head and did a editorial type pose which looked pretty impressive, but looking editorial has always been her strength. Samantha wasn't hitting it like she usually does. Her shoes were uncomfortable and it showed in her face. Mr. Jay coached her into some good shots towards the end, but she was the weakest in the pack tonight. She also had the fewest props and once she was given something to hold in this case a shovel she had something to work with. McKey, the beloved, comes out and has Mr. Jay and the photographer are loving her every move. I thought the makeup made her look like a basset hound, but the photo did come out stunning. I thought it was a bit unfair that she was the only one that got to use the windmill to hang off of.
Since Marjorie got so loose at the house party by knocking back a few I was wondering if we were going to see her take a snort before panel, but it appears she went in sober. Stone cold sober. In an attempt to control her nerves she suppressed herself so much she came off cold. I think we all know that she is going to be in the bottom two simply because of her demeanor. She hasn't the confidence it will take to present herself well, yet.
Analeigh took best photo with an amazing shot of her jumping while holding on to the pitchfork. It was crazy and interesting and really deserved first place. McKey took second place and that was no surprise. That girl can do no wrong. Samantha got stuck in the bottom two with Marjorie because her weak film this week and her inability to present herself as a model. I think what Tyra is subletly saying is that Samantha needs to work on her maturity level. I'm still rooting for Sam because she has the fire in the belly I think they need and I also think she would make a great CG spokesmodel.
Before we get the panel results Nigel tells us about this week's Top Model in Action who turns out to be Kim from Cycle 5. She was the self proclaimed lesbian who worked the androgynous look all the way up to the final five in her cycle. She's ditched that look and gone blond to work for as a reporter for MTV. I don't know if I would have recognized her without beign told.
Last week's prediction came true. Marjorie is sent home, hopefully with a better sense of self (and a lot of new clothes). I think she will do well once she gets it together.
We get a look at the final runway. Mr. Jay describes it as "Dr Seussian." It's fuschia, has stairs and curves and hills. I can't wait to see what wacked out clothes they are going to have to wear while navagating that course.
Next week it will be all over for this cycle. sniff
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Cycle 11 Episode 11
“The Final Five”
Last weeks preview already told us the girls are going on “go-sees” this week. Who will forget the time and get disqualified? My bet was Elina, simply because she seems to believe the world revolves around her, but McKey screwed the pooch by showing up 5 minutes late. Marjorie was jumping up and down cheering her defeat. Perhaps she feared another expulsion - Hannah style.
McKey wowed the designers and that was the real shame. She would have won the go-see challenge had she remembered that every girl that shows up late from this challenge since ANTM began gets tossed. What was she thinking? Her tardiness cost her $18,000.00 worth of goodies donated by the designers. However, I've watched Project Runway and I've seen how little designers spend on garments, so I figure she only really lost a couple hundred bucks of stuff in the real world.
McKey's disqualification meant that Analeigh slipped in and bagged the goodies and pissed Elina off. Analeigh had this sideways braid going on that would never work in the US, but these designers seems to love it. Elina so believed she (or McKey) should have won that challenge. She was offended that the lingerie designer didn't want a model with tattoos. The designer was absolutely right in saying that the big tattoo on her midriff would be a distraction. Go ahead and express yourself permanently with ink – just keep in mind that not everyone appreciates it and the golden rule applies in modeling, i.e. them with the gold makes the rules.
It wasn't surprising to hear the designers call Samantha commercial. I've discovered that is model-ese for cute. The high fashion modeling world loves androgynous like Marjorie and McKey to certain extent and coldly beautiful like Elina, but doesn't like cute at all and as Sheena discovered last week – they absolutely loathe hoochie. Had Marjorie gotten her nerves control she would have done much better, but since she looked like a frightened colt the whole day she scared off the 2 designers she managed find.
The Tyra Mail warns the girls that they have never been so exposed and Sam starts to worry about a nude shoot. Mr Jay meets them at the photo shoot and allays their worries and Tyra promptly jumps out and informs them that she will be their photographer du jour. Tyra generally does nude or plain faced shots with the girls and follows the same pattern. The twist this time is that the girls will do one absolutely plain and then take another shot all painted up. Samantha looked awesome in both shots. McKey kicked ass in both shots as well. Analeigh looked posey in the natural shot but tore up the made up shot, Marjorie did her broken doll thing in the natural and looked editorial in the second. Elina sucked in both. She shows us the same expression and face in every shot. I'm so over her.
Panel. The girls are going to be judged on their go-sees as well as their duel photos tonight to trim down the group to the final four. We already know who sucked the most in the go sees, but Marjorie turned in fierce photos. Apparently McKey's DQ wasn't a factor to the panel. They were impressed that of the 4 designers she saw, all of them would book her. Analeigh also impressed the 3 designers who she saw who also said they would work with her. Samantha booked 2 of her 3 visits, Elina only bagged 2 of the 4 she saw. One of the designers was grossed out by her sweaty back (apparently she ran to get to that shop) and the lingerie designer hated her at first sight. Marjorie laid a big ol' goose egg.
The most surprising revelation tonight was that Elina is only 18 years old. It usually takes a few years and a couple husbands to get that uptight. Jeez girl, relax.
The commercial break before the results shows us this week's Top Model in Action: Molly Sue from Cycle 6. The girl with a hillbilly name is now an International Fashion Maven.
Marjorie and Elina are in Tyra's sights. It was a toss up for me – I didn't care which left because they both need to go. They kept Marjorie for one more week. I'm guessing we already know who our finalists are: Samantha, McKey and Analeigh. I think unless McKey falls on her face or does something really stupid, she has this sewed up. I think Samantha will be a better CoverGirl, but she has that commercial stigma to shed (does it get any more commercial than CG, though?) Analeigh I expect to be 3rd runner up.
Two more weeks and we'll see if my predictions come true.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Cycle 11 Episode 10
Our lovely ladies land in Amsterdam and are given a challenge right off the bat. They are met by Holland's Next Top Model, Daphne Decker, who tells them they have to find their house by successfully navigating through the streets of the city and finding pay phones which lead them to the next clue. The host tells them to pair off and Elina latches on to Samantha like her life depended on it. Marjorie and Analeigh are joined at the hip already so that leaves Sheena and McKey. Marjorie and Analeigh start out shaky but end up second to Elina and Samantha who are at the house for a while before Sheena and McKey run up all excited thinking they arrived first. Daphne seemed all too delighted to let them know that they were dead last.
The house is a beautiful thing. It has an open floor plan with lots of natural light. Elina says it reminders her of her homeland and pines for the old country again. Queue eyeroll from Samantha. I really don't blame Sam though, I'm way past sick of hearing about it, too. Her attitude makes me remember something my mother once told me. People that long for things in their past are unhappy with their life in the present. I think that definition suits Elina all over (end armchair psychoanalysis.)
Next up is our challenge. We viewers are teased that it is going to be in the red light district of Amsterdam which is renown around the world for legalized prostitution. Samantha is offended and think the practice degrades women. Elina sees nothing wrong with it. I was left wondering if Elina has turned a couple tricks in her time or was just saying stuff to get under Sam's skin. The world may never know.
The girls meet Mr. Jay in the red light district and it is explained that there is a project in Amsterdam to try to put a better face on the brothels. Do we get the girls in naughty clothes looking slutty? Nope, to my husband's dismay the girls are divvied up into pairs again and forced to wear ugly clothes and pose in the windows usually reserved for real working women. Mckey is paired with Sam and the designer's vision is that they are dolls. They do a good job and Sam makes the designer crack up when she grabs a set prop and poses with it. Marjorie and Sheena were paired up for the Euro-edgy look. Marjorie did the hunchback, point her elbows at you thing which the designers raved over and Sheena did her hoochie thing which gains her nothing from a pair of gay men. Sheena, girl, you are playing to the wrong crowd. Analeigh and Elina get the draw of the ugliest and most difficult clothing to wear and model. Elina promptly stuck her trusty stick up her butt and modeled like a mannequin and Analeigh spent most of her time trying to get the set decorations out of her hair and dress. It was pretty clear that as a pair Samantha and McKey were the best. As the winners of this challenge they get to come back and walk the runway for Amerdam's Fashion Week. Nice prize – way to go, girls.
Whitney's weekly CoverGirl ad delivers the expected yawn. We haven't had an entertaining CG ad cycle since Jaslene.
Photo shoot naturally follows. Our competitors are introduced to their prop this week which turns out to be an awesome schooner which showcases Holland's close ties to the seafaring life. Our girls wear 18th century inspired garments and hang off the railing and pose their little hearts out to get the shot. McKey, Analeigh and Marjorie take to the shoot like a duck to water. Samantha takes a while to find her groove and Elina completely ignores Mr. Jay's direction and looks lifeless and bored. Sheena was the highlight of the evening when she channeled Cher and turned the yardarm into a giant phallus. Mr. Jay chided her for not looking modelesque and I agreed with him that in that particular pose, she was looking pornesque, but I don't agree with him that High Fashion doesn't have vulgar poses. Have you bought a Cosmo or Marie Claire, lately?
Our Top Model in Action was Katarzyna from Cycle 10 (and my personal fav from that Cycle) who signed with Elite Model Management which turned this gorgeous young woman into something akin to the Bride of Frankenstein but, hey - that's fashion!
Panel! We relive the brothel challenge and have a "what not to wear" moment with Samantha. Tyra went on and on that Samantha looked terrible. Maybe she was a little boring, but nothing that bad. McKey was wearing a dress that would have been a disaster on anyone else, but it worked on her. McKey looks so completely different on film than she does in panel. In front of the judges McKey has bad posture, bobs her head and appears to have a big overbite. Give her a pair of white gloves and a funny hat and she could be Mrs. Goofy, huh-yuck. However, Marjorie has got to have the worst posture of the bunch and has never been called out for it (or if she has, I missed it!) I desperately want to take Elina's stick and strap Marjorie's shoulders to it.
Elina and Sheena are left facing Tyra. Who gets shipped home - the stick or the hoochie? I guess Holland just isn't ready for all that Sheena has to give. Elina hangs on for another round. She must be close to a record for the most appearances in the bottom two. Hopefully, next week will be the charm.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Cycle 11 Episode 8
Can we clear the air of something before the recap? Being cold and stiff with no personal charm and being a mouse with quirky body movements are not European personality traits. There are plenty of home grown American girls that are the same way. If you want to piss and moan that Europeans are different, pack it up and haul your skinny butt over the pond and sign up for Europe's Next Top Model, okay?
This episode was full of gay men tonight (in the immortal words of Seinfeld – not that anything is wrong with that) and the girls were almost an afterthought. The Swirl and Twirl twins were on hand to demonstrate to our lovelies how to work a garment. I did appreciate the point they made in that the model is there to sell the garment – not simply to look pretty. The ridiculously flamboyant James St. James was also there to demonstrate the challenge. The object is to show off the clothing while remaining invisible. This was achieved by putting the girls in green suits that appear invisible when shown on television. Personally, I thought they all sucked. Elina won the challenge simply because she had the easiest dress to demonstrate. Marjorie might have been confused with Isis (were she still in the competition) when her dress dropped off her bust. Joslyn got confused and must have thought she was trying out for JB's Gallery of Girls and the rest of the group did the swirl and twirl thing very poorly.
Elina chose Marjorie and Analeigh (the whine sisters) to share in her photo shoot prize. Samantha pouted and thought it was unfair that an atheist got to do a Christmas shoot. I felt like I was transported back to 7th grade with that comment but, as the competition tightens the bitchiness heightens. The cat fight in the kitchen was the usual crapola du jour and Sheena basically tells them to stop using their immigrant status as a crutch. Go girl and set them straight. We've had women from Europe including Natasha, Cycle 8 and Katarzyna, Cycle 10 who didn't suffer under the oppression of their upbringing. If you want to talk about suppression of women lets remember Nenna Cycle 6 and Fatima, Cycle 10 who grew up in Africa where circumcision of women is considered normal. Girls, it wasn't the culture of your youth that put that stick up your butt. You did that all by yourselves.
CoverGirl commercial. Those are always fun! Whitney from Cycle 10 is there to help coach the girls which is odd since her commercial was pretty crummy as I recall. The girls get a teleprompter to help them along which is something new. I guess the producers are tired of seeing the dumb stare and expletives when the model forgets her lines. Analeigh took to the commercial like a duck to water and nailed her lines while looking good. Sheena went a little on the hoochie side but still had a good ad. Then we have the rest. Samantha looked awkward and inexperienced. Marjorie was jerking her head around and wasn't believable. Miss Jay made the comment that she looked like a chicken and I agree. McKey was over made up and looked like a clown, but that wasn't her fault. She was awkward and not smooth but managed better than Elina and Joslyn. Elina was stiff and phony and Joslyn was a hand flicking, winking mess. She was battling a stomach bug, but that didn't make up for that horrible performance.
The CoverGirl in Action this week was none other than Whitney from Cycle 10. It appears to me that she has gained another 20 pounds for these ads, but she looks the same size as she was in the last Cycle in the preview for next week. Maybe she has to appear larger for “full figure” work. She is definitely a print model. She comes off phony as hell in person.
Panel. I thought it was kind of tacky for Tyra to make a big to do over the fact that the girls are headed to Amsterdam before announcing the cut for the day. Nice way to rub salt into the wound of the next cast off. It was a sure thing that Analeigh would be called first since it was discussed in panel that she nailed the Best CoverGirl Commercial Evah! So good in fact, it made Tyra faux-faint. She really was good and those large eyes of hers are a perfect canvas for that gaudy line of shade. Elina and Joslyn face Miss Tyra for the showdown. Elina narrowly edges out Joslyn mainly because she has been holding steady whereas Joslyn has been moving backwards. I would have preferred Joslyn stay and Miss Attitude go, but Elina does deliver better photos.
Next week they're on location in Amsterdam, specifically the red light district. That should be interesting.
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Anti Monkey Butt Powder
I did not make this up and this photo has not been shopped. I found this miracle product while looking for a first aid cream at my neighborhood Rite Aid.
My question is: Do you use the powder only after you have developed monkey butt symptoms or can you use it as a preventative to avoid the problem all together?
I should have bought this as a gag Bosses' Day gift, but I wasn't ready to face the unemployment line if he didn't find it funny. I would have loved to have been in the management meeting for this company when they were brainstorming ideas on what to name this stuff. What were the names they ruled out? A few thoughts come to mind like Anti Baboon Buns, Anti Ape Ass, Anti Chimp Cheeks? Well yeah, Anti Monkey Butt is more fun to say.
What you can't see in this crummy photo I took (I took it quick because an employee was already looking at me weird for laughing out loud while standing there staring at the shelves) is the phrase at the bottom of the label that's just inside that red border. It says "Sweat Absorber and Friction Fighter." Okay - absorbing sweat is understandable. Fights friction? If your butt has turned fiery red from whatever or whomever you are rubbing it against you're going to need prescription strength pharamceuticals before you worry about applying your powder, I'm just sayin'.
Perhaps this company is just counting on the word of mouth. How can you not tell everyone you know about something with that name? They got me to laugh with everyone at my office about it as well as blog about it so that's really cheap advertising. I guess they're no Monkey's Uncle after all.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Cycle 11 Episode 6
Original airdate 10/01/08
There sure was a whole lot of nothing going on last night. One ho-hum workshop/challenge and a theme photo shoot that left me bored to tears.
Before we get to the challenge, we get yet another douse of self doubt from our meek little mouse, Marjorie. Analeigh isn't playing along this week. She did well in the last panel and that has given her confidence a needed boost. Marjorie frets whether she doing well or not and this insecurity is wearing thin on some of the girls. Confidence is a necessary tool in the modeling industry and if Marjorie doesn't learn to control her doubts (or at least not voice them) she is going to be packing her suitcase soon. That isn't to say that that over confidence is a virtue. Yes, I'm talking to you Clark, because that character flaw can be equally damaging.
The girls are hauled over to a warehouse where they meet Paulina in an ill fitting, ugly blue dress/suit who warns them that their lives (not as a CoverGirl) will revolve mostly around catalog shoots and the clothes rarely fit. The girls don predictably pink hard hats and construction belts and head upstairs to learn how to fix the clothes to make them fit better. They are led to a rack of uninspiring everyday clothing that appears about 4 times too large and told to make it work. Oddly enough, Paulina doesn't give any suggestions on what to do other than telling the girls to look in their belts and around the room for things they can use. McKey is chosen as the challenge winner even though she could barely walk after her alteration. Her look was accomplished by sticking a water bottle in the waistband to keep the pants up and using a hair clamp and bulldog clip to make the pant legs more form fitting. There was some padding in the bust of her blouse to fill out the top as well. Samantha was chided as the worst repair job for altering the length of the shorts (she rolled them up) and the look of the blouse (used a rubber band to gather the material). At least no one got sent home for coming in last at this challenge.
We transitioned from the challenge right to the photo shoot this week after more looks into the insecurities of young, pretty skinny girls. Joslyn is losing her game and makes a call home to boost her spirits which doesn't appear to help much. A couple of girls try in intervention with Marjorie who just isn't wired like the other girls and thinks is has more to do with her cultural background rather than her belief in herself. Blah, blah, blah...
Since the challenge was so lackluster, I was expecting a really interesting shoot, but I didn't get it. Instead we get a Natural Disaster theme with the girls in 60s fashion. Yawn.
Brian Edwards is a photographer that has been doing work with Cycle 8 winner, Jaslene, and doesn't really say more that two words during the whole show. The set is a miniature city and the girls are supposed to be various natural disasters wreaking havoc on their surroundings. Samantha, Elina and Sheena were the only ones out of the bunch that really understood the concept and what they were supposed to do and gave the best shots of the whole shoot. Others like Clark, McKey, Analeigh and Lauren Brie just coasted on looking pretty and their photos were dull. Joslyn looked worse than last week and Marjorie was so bad Mr J had to get up and put her into position like she was a mannequin.
Panel was uneventful and the photos were selected in this order.
Samantha – She did a great job portraying a tidal wave. She gets her photo displayed in the house for the following week.
Analeigh – She was the Santa Anna wind
McKey – Heat wave
Elina – Earthquake
Marjorie – Traffic Jam
Lauren Brie – Snowstorm
Sheena – Sandstorm
Joslyn – Rockslide – almost gone
Clark – Blackout - goner
Although I agree that Samantha had the best photo of the group, I disagree with the rest of the list. My list would go like this: Samantha, Elina, Sheena, McKey, Analeigh, Lauren Brie, Clark, Joslyn and Marjorie. They stuck Samantha in the bottom two last week for her poor performance during a runway show. Marjorie had to be physically put into position to capture a good shot. If there is any poorer measure of performance for a model than that, I can't think of it.
I think Clark got sent home because Tyra wanted a good smackdown for this episode. Anyone who has watched this show for any length of time probably recognized Clark's cocky remarks as foreshadowing of the final decision. Paulina was backing Marjorie heavily this week. We'll all have to watch to find out if she can pull it together in the weeks to come.
We're down to 8.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Cycle 11 Episode 5
We open this episode with our Denise Richards look alike, Analeigh, feeling the heat. She knows that being in the bottom two twice out of the last 3 eliminations is not a good thing and reflects on her poor performance. Analeigh and Marjorie swim in a pool of self doubt while Hannah refuses to play along.
The next Tyra Mail mentions a gutter in the witty prose and we promptly see the girls get dropped off at a bowling alley. Miss Jay is there busily disinfecting the bowling shoe inspired high heels that will be worn for this runway workshop. Isis is the first out and discovers the lanes are still oiled as she slips, yet quickly recovers. Surprisingly, no one busts their butt. However, Hannah does manage to show the ANTM viewing world that in addition to her lack of social skills she has absolutely no grace on the runway, either. I thought Heather from Cycle 9 ow

Back to the house for yet another riveting Tyra Mail which no one deciphers and our contestants ponder over the next challenge. They all know it will require walking due to their last outing and Analeigh takes pity on Hannah and tries to help her runway walk. A bit of improvement can be seen, but this girl hasn't got a chance in the next challenge unless someone falls, which is not out of the realm of possibility with this competition.

The Challenge takes place in a vintage bank with the explanation that this collection exhibits richness and the girls are supposed to be cat burglars. (The only problem with that premise is that the girls looked nothing like cat burglars and a design of a giant credit card on a sweater doesn't really represent “richness,” but it's a nice looking venue.) Miss Jay is waiting to greet them along with a guy that looks like he escaped from The Wiggles sound stage. The man is 5 foot, 0 and looks like he weighs less than 100 pounds. He was dres

Three big surprises are in store for the girls today. First , Seventeen magazine editor-in-chief, Ann Shoket arrives with Mr. J to announce that the winner of this challenge along with 2 two other girls will take part in a special photo shoot featuring clothing from Kira Plastinina, a 15 year old Russian fashion whiz kid; second, they are going to have to walk the runway blindfolded ; and third, whomever is deemed the worst goes home right then and there. The stakes are high but the hairdos are even higher as our lovelies get ready to strut their stuff.

Elina is out first in an ugly, dollar bill inspired print dress and manages the challenge well – nothing great, but no disaster, which at this point is a good thing. Most likely the girls have already concluded that Hannah is going home as long as no one does anything stupid. Enter Samantha. While practicing in the back Samantha makes a move that the designer expressly tells her not to do. He does not like how she rucks up the side of the dress when she stops at the end of her walk to pose. (I thought it was a oversized shirt with leggings and perhaps that is what Samantha thought, too, or why else would she purposely draw it up?) Needless to say, Samantha pulls the shirt/dress/sack on the runway and irritates the designer. The collection is a modge-podge of designs that included 2 Cogsworth costumes and a tribute to Carol Burnett. Can't you just imagine what McKey must have been thinking. “Which producer did I piss off to get stuck with the damned curtain rod!?”

The winner, Joslyn, is announced and she picks Sheena and Isis to share in the prize. Hannah, who was almost saved by Samantha, packs her bag and is gone. No one even mentions her departure, but the girl didn't go out of her way to make friends.
The only thing left for this episode is the photo shoot. Mr. J shows up at the ungodly hour of 8:45 a.m. to find the girls still sucking up lint. Jeez, it must be nice to sleep that late! He tells them they won't have to go far, the shoot is being held in the pool at their house. Nigel is the photographer and the trick is for the girls to keep the bottom half of their face submerged because they are interested only in shooting the eyes. McKey, Sheena, Lauren Brie, Samantha, Marjorie and Clark take to it like old pros. Analeigh surprises Nigel by finally looking like a model and strikes an interesting pose. Joslyn tries to drown and explains she can't swim (Joslyn, you don't have to swim - just hold your breath, okay?). Isis is distracted by worrying if her beach balls are going show up for the pool party and Elina just doesn't know what to do. The shoot wraps and we await panel.
Nigel again narrates our Top Models in Action and tells us that Chantal from Cycle 9 is busy working for New Model Management and just finished a KMS Hair Salon Campaign. Whitney bicycles through our weekly CoverGirl ad and is boring as ever. One line that did catch my attention was Whitney proclaiming she is the “next big thing!” Hey, is that a fat girl joke?
Panel opens with only 10 girls since Hannah got pushed off on an ice floe and we are reminded of the prizes. The foul tempered designer is there to guest judge and this time he chose his alma mater's band uniform jacket for the occasion. Here's the order in which the photos were judged.
Clark – Her photo appears as digital art for the next week as a “nanny-nanny-boo-bah” to the rest of the group
Analeigh – nice face, great leg
Lauren Brie – great face and arms
Sheena – dramatic eyes
McKey - nice overall shot
Marjorie - okay
Joslyn – looked scared
Elina - boring
Samantha – almost axed, but great hands and eyes
Isis – buh bye
The only reason Elina wasn't in the bottom two was because of the way Samantha hacked off the designer during the challenge. What appeared to be a mild irritation at the challenge magically developed into dramatic disgust by the time we got to panel. His description of Samantha was “she's a combination of a truck driver and a stripper.” Nice manufactured drama there, Tyra. Personally, I didn't see anything sexy in her walk, she just looked like an inexperienced model trying to draw attention. Boy, did she ever.
Isis got canned because her photos are all boring. Plain and simple. She ran back to the house, put on her tiara and huge white earrings and instantly went from looking a young woman to looking like a drag queen in no time flat.
9 girls remain. Who will be America's Next Top Model?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Cycle 11 Episode 4
The Wal-Mart and Swimsuit Edition aka
A Redneck's Dream
So much was crammed into last night's episode that there wasn't much time for cat fights back at the model house and for that I am grateful.
We start off with the obligatory bus trip home where the girl that almost got sent packing, in this case Isis, tells the others how she was glad it wasn't her and voices her insecurity. Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I know Isis isn't technically a girl, but for these purposes I will always refer to Isis in the feminine. Miss Jay is confusing enough now that he has apparently gone butch.
The girls walk in the house and are surprised to see Tyra sitting in their living room. Tyra does the “I got boobs and a booty and I did just fine” speech for the teens watching at home with body dimorphism and eating disorders while the girls munch on pizza. The expected squeals of delight are released when the girls are told their makeovers are imminent. If memory serves, makeovers were done when there were less than 10 girls left in previous cycles. I guess the budget has increased or they enjoy tormenting as many of the contestants as possible. We are then subjected to a bizarre Snow White on crack skit where Miss Jay enters looking like the old witch offering poisoned apples to Tyra who is then kissed and carted off by Mr. Jay looking like he escaped from the Enchanted tiki room at Disneyland.
When the girls arrive for their makeovers they are informed that they won't know what they are getting until it is done. The mirrors are covered and the anxiety ramps up. Tyra appears in the bottom left of the screen describing the makeover for the individual girls dressed as a Diva Fairy Queen in lamé. She's also wearing light blue contacts that give her the appearance of having no irises - creepy. I think that overall everyone turned out for the better. The best had to be Samantha. She went from shaggy to chic with just a cut and a color. My least favorite of the bunch were Majorie, Clark and Elina.
Let's talk about Elina for a minute. If you're going to try out for one of the more successful reality series then it would serve you to do some research. Every girl who has made the critical error of saying that they are not open to change and that they only want this or that kind of hair always, ALWAYS, gets the outrageous hairdo. The most dramatic had to be the Texas beauty queen that had her beautiful chestnut tresses buzzed to put her in her pageant place, but there is one every season and this time it was Elina. Elina comes off as elitist – she knows more, is more cool and hates her mother. Maybe she is trying to emulate Angelina Jolie whom she has been compared to repeatedly this season. She gets a weave, but not just any weave. She gets a red, super curly mid length hairdo that I think looks ridiculous, but makes for good entertainment. We shared her turmoil of denial, anger and acceptance with this beauty as she struggled through the stages of coiffure quietus.
Tyra-Mail! That oh so annoying contrivance ANTM uses to give a misleading hint about an upcoming event. Thank the gods that the producers have stopped the practice of having all the girls read the missive together. Now apparently one girl gets to read it and they all chime in “love, Tyra.”
Does the challenge involve a high fashion designer or require ridiculous physical prowess? No, it's so much better! The challenge involves a product placement! Yay! We viewers are so lucky, we don't get one shameless plug but two. I'm all a quiver just recalling the details. The Model Bus pulls up in front of the Home of High Fashion we in the south call Wal-Mart. Nigel Barker's wife and Sutan, the make up artist who has starred in previous Cycles in drag, tell our girls what's going on. The girls have to put on their make-up then ad-lib a 30 second commercial for the CoverGirl. This ought to be good.
Surprisingly, they were pretty good. Stinkers in the crowd included Marjorie who referred to the retailer as Walgreens, Analeigh and Brittany gone ghetto, and Elina who stood up and basically said “this is the crap some lame girls put on their face.” Other goofs included forgetting the name of the product and stammering, but not everyone can talk at the drop of a hat. The biggest surprise had to be Hannah who stood up there and nailed a perfect line that included the product name and sounded genuine while looking cute. I would have never expected that much spunk out of the little backwoods mouse. Good for her. Samantha was also great and came in a close second.
Back to the house, more Tyra-Mail! which suggests swimsuits. For once, the mail was right. Swimsuits are the garment du jour for this shoot and the designer, Susan Holmes , who is also a super model will supervise the shoot. Mr. Jay is not going to be on site to give pointers and suggestions because he wants to see how the girls do on their own, but will hang out in make-up and give support and answer questions. The photographer, Russel James , shot Tyra's first SI edition and he a along with Susan are directing the girls.
Pretty girls in bikinis, Malibu beach and an experienced photographer end up making this shoot fairly drama free. Some make it look easy like Marjorie and Samantha, while others struggle. Overall none were bad. Here's the order in which the judges selected the photos.
Lauren Brie
Analeigh - almost axed
Brittany - gone
It must suck to be very pretty but unphotogenic. As Miss Jay says, she will go on to be a very wealthy NFL wife and hopefully live happily ever after.
Our Top Model in Action this week featured Lisa from Cycle 9. I would never have recognized her from that shot of her attacking the catwalk in Fashion Week. Very chic, very nice. Whitney sounded phony as ever in her latest ad. She has the look, but is unable to relate her information without sounding incredibly fake. Good thing most models aren't expected to talk.
I missed the preview for next week so I have no idea what's coming up next!
Walt Disney World
Orlando, FL
August 2007
We took our family vacation to Walt Disney World Orlando last August, 2007. It was the first visit for everyone in the family except me and it had been over 25 years since my last visit. We decided to head over to the Magic Kingdom our first evening in town to catch the SpectroMagic Parade. The crowd gathered, anticipation built and my daughter was practically vibrating by the time the street lights dimmed.
An arching firework display shot across Cinderella’s castle and suddenly Tinkerbell burst forth and started “flying” towards the crowd. At that moment by daughter turned to me while bouncing up and down and exclaimed “She’s real, Mommy! She’s real!” I will remember that moment until my dying day. Disney really did make a dream come true that night.
Later on during the end of the parade the character, Ursula, from the Little Mermaid, came close to where we were standing and spoke in our general direction. Since that moment my daughter has been completely enamored with Ursula. It wasn’t easy, but I found a beanie baby Ursula licensed by Disney from years back and that doll has been my child’s constant companion ever since. I explained to my daughter that Ursula is considered a villain and most people don’t like her. She explained to me that if Ursula was around, she would be her friend and Ursula wouldn’t want to be mean anymore. Don’t you just love it?

We made reservations at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique and DD got the Hair, Makeup and Nails package (we already had the Aurora gown.) That was the best deal in town! They put enough goo in her hair and fixed in such a way that I didn’t have to mess with her hair the whole time we were in Orlando and that was such a vacation for me! She wore her princess outfit the whole time and was addressed as Princess by the staff. They gave her little trinkets and stickers and she still has them and treasures them dearly.

We by no means planned it, but it just so happened that as we were leaving MGM on the second day, we saw this orangey-red ball rising in the sky. A young man nearby pointed and shouted “It’s the Space Shuttle!” Everyone that was headed for the shuttles stopped simultaneously and watched in awe. I snapped a photo with my phone camera, but needless to say, it isn’t a great shot. My daughter was the first to get bored and inquired about our dinner plans. Oh well, can’t please everybody!
I would have had a great photo of the Space Shuttle had I not lost my camera while in MGM. The park staff was so great in helping my try to find it, but it is gone forever. I still have my memories though.
Even though it was hot and humid (Florida + August = Muggy) we had a terrific time and can’t wait to go back.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Virginia Beach Oceanfront
August 25, 2008

Down near 20th Street at the Oceanfront the elite Performing Company of the Rhythm of Ireland School of Irish Dance performed as a part of the city of Virginia Beach's Beach Street USA for the fortunate citizens and tourists passing along Atlantic Ave . They were joined by Celtica, a local minstral group, that affects a medieval air.
I recognized John Ickes right away (since he once earned the grand title of "Best Customer Ever"

I recognized both of these ladies, but alas, do not know their names and for that I am sorry. I hope to catch up with John sometime soon and will update th

Here's a clip I took with my digital camera while at the performance. My memory card ran out about 5 seconds before the end of the reel - but this shows the best of the best that night.
You might notice that the girls are wearing less-than-traditional Irish Dancing garb. If you've never worn an Irish Dancing costume, you might be surprised to discover they weigh 5 to 10 pounds and that's not counting the wig! All that interfacing and embroidery adds up to some serious weight, doncha know. The school director, Mrs. Debbie Bristol, also mentioned that the costumes were more appropriate to an informal setup that Beach Street USA allows.
The dancers and singers took turns entertaining the crowd. The older girls displayed their hardshoe prowess and the younger girls demonstrated a soft-shoe reel. The challenges of dancing outdoors are compounded when the stage is unlevel, yet th

There was

The performance lasted about 30 minutes and was well worth the effort of coming from Larkspur down to the Oceanfront. Since we parked at the municipal parking lot, we had several blocks to traverse to get back to the car.
We passed a middle-aged blond playing a fierce steel drum tune and then a Filipino couple singing "Cheeseburger in Paradise" while headed for the ice cream stand. Now that's not something you see everyday.

A large crowd had gathered around another street performer and my son and I were making a wide path around him when a large plume of flame shot into the air. That got my kids' attention so we stopped and took a look. This guy juggled with stuff on fire - while balancing a board on a 4 inch pipe; balanced a burning baseball bat thing on this chin and spit fire. While he was doing all his pyro tricks he was cracking insult jokes at himself and the crowd. He was good.
At this point we were "in for a penny, in for a pound" and decided to stay for the magic show being held at the 24th Street stage. Poor guy, his first trick and his prop breaks. The magic cabinet broke a wheel and he did a good job of covering it up by sticking his foot underneath. My children enjoyed the show, but it was pretty high-school talent show quality for me. He did a good job of including a kid from the crowd and did the obligatory levitation trick and I was ready to head home at the conclusion of the show.
All and all - it was a great deal since I paid $0 for all that entertainment. The total evening was less than $10 - $1 for parking and $8 for ice cream. I have got to remember to check out the Beach Street USA offerings more closely next year.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Virginia Beach, VA
August 30, 2008
By the time we dropped the kids off with my sister and shuffled over to the Beach the warm up act was long gone and the stage was set for the main event. The Verizon Wireless American Music Festival in Virginia Beach is held outdoors right on the beach at 5th street and it's a great venue as long as the weather cooperates. The night was warm and a bit muggy, but overall a good night for a concert.
My Hubby went in search of festival food while I searched for the best place to set up the camp chairs that was upwind of the Port-o-John village and far enough away from the beer tents that we wouldn't have drunks stumbling over us. If we had been creative like
DH navigates through the crowd with warm Diet Coke and brats. Not good – but edible and the show begins. I was a little confused at first. Who was this man with the dark hair and all the clothes? What's with the button down shirt, vest and coat? The Idol I

Observations made of the crowd during the first four tunes:
There were a lot more kids at this concert than I expected but none of them were obnoxious and for that I am grateful. A girl most likely 8 to 10 years old was paying attention to the act rather than playing in the sand like most of the other kids her age and got into the chant at the end of Flesh for Fantasy with the adults around her. I have to say it is a little unsettling to watch a pre-pubescent girl shouting “Flesh!-Flesh!-Flesh!” while pumping her fist in the air. I'm just going to console myself with the notion that the girl had no idea what she was talking about – I soooooo hope that is true.
After the set of well known music Billy introduces a song from his most recent CD, The Very Best of Billy Idol: Idolize Yourself, (couldn't think of a longer title? sheesh) called John Wayne. It was an okay tune – but I wasn't familiar with it so it didn't do anything for me.
During this rather slow period it strikes me odd that Billy Idol is the headliner for the American Music Festival. Billy Idol aka William Broad is from Middlesex, UK, and was a part of the 2nd British Invasion of the 1980s. Although I find it strange he is here to epitomize American Music there is certainly no disdain for the performer on my part. My fellow graduates of the MHS Class of 1985 all loved Idol and did our best to copy his lip snarl that made him oh-so-sexy back in the day.
He followed that with another of his songs that seemed to be better known by the crowd around me called New Future Weapon. He gave a shout out to a female pilot with an NAS Oceana connection, I presume, that sounded like he read it directly off a card, but I bet the gal got a real kick out of it. I know I would.
We're about 50 minutes into the show and Billy gives us another old favorite, Eyes Without a Face. The Sand Sofa couple decide to get up and give us a bit of dirty dancing. Thanks folks, I really could have done without that bit of magic under the stars, but whatcha gonna do?
I should mention that by this time Billy has shed the coat (that came off after song number 2 ) and the vest and has changed into a t-shirt. He had my sympathy, it has to be unbearably hot with the humidity and stage lights. Shortly after Eyes Idol takes about a 15 minute break while the lead guitarist demonstrates his skills. It starts out rockin' but ends up being a classical guitar solo. The guitarist is a top notch player, but really needs to find a stylist to pull him kicking and screaming out of the late 80's hair-band style. He didn't look cool – he looked comical. But, he is up there performing with Billy Idol and I'm not, so what the hell do I know?
After his break Idol comes back hitting it a little harder. White Wedding gets the crowd rockin' and he gives us some more new stuff while building the anticipation for his signature song, Rebel Yell. I can't sta
I get back to our site just in time to see a woman staggering by me with two giant Big Gulp refillable cups. I'm sure there was nothing in there but a Slurpee, (and a fifth of something.) She is obviously feeling no pain and lucky me, I just happen to be looking her way when she bends over to put them on the ground and get a half moon. That was nearly enough to make the nasty brat come back for a visit. She fell/sat on the sand and swayed gently to the music. DH and I were debating whether to stick it out and stay for the fireworks until Big Gulp's date showed up and started grinding his pelvis into the back of her head. Neither of us had to say a word to the other, we just started packing up the chairs.
Just as we got to the stairs leading up to the boardwalk we heard the beginning strains of “Mony, Mony” We remained there until the song finished and started our trek back to the car. We were almost at Atlantic Ave, but could still hear the music. It must have been clear to everyone that the concert was over when Billy started to introduce the band. So and so on drums, Whatshisface on bass guitar, Big Hair on lead guitar and me - I'm Billy F*ckin' Idol! Then the fireworks went off.
I don't think anyone told Mr. Idol we have an ordinance here at the beach regarding profanity. I snickered about that last bit all the way back to the car.